Looking to hook-up with a shark? We can make it happen! Our Myrtle Beach shark fishing charters are made for your upcoming trip to the Grand Strand. We can place you on a shark that will fight like nothing else at the beach.
We target sharks at the mouth of the ocean along the Jetty walls in Little River, SC. Here, the sharks collect to feed on baitfish and smaller fish feeding and taking cover on the rocks of the Jetty walls.
Targeted species for our shark fishing charters: Hammerhead, Blacktip, Sandbar, Blacknose and Nurse Sharks. Most commonly, the sharks range from 2ft to 4ft, but sometimes can be larger depending on the bite and time of year. We’ve pulled in a few 100+ lb monsters over the years! We catch our sharks on light tackle rods and reels, providing a very challenging and fun fight to land them aboard the boats. Don’t worry – our Captains will guide you so you can land one of these beautiful sharks and land them safely.
We will primarily use cut baits like bluefish or large mullet or shrimp balls to catch sharks. These will be cast into deeper waters with a large J hook with a light drag set. Once the shark takes the bait, it’s easy to begin reeling and wait for the large shark to start fighting! Sharks are CPR (catch, photo, release) unless the angler desires to eat the shark. All SCDNR regulations regarding shark possession will be strictly adhered to.

Call us today to help us put you on the shark and fight you won’t forget! Our Captains will take you on a private boat to our favorite shark fishing spots in Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach and Little River. Contact us today!